Google Ads

The Use of AdWords can generate huge amounts of leads for your business, allowing it to gain visibility online. There are many different types of AdWords that you can implement to suit your budget and needs. Once implemented correctly, these ads can help drive targeted traffic to your website.

The Google Ad words program is a great way to get traffic to your website. With this method, you create keywords that are related to your business and then bid on those terms to drive traffic .Ads are everywhere these days. From billboards to online search results, ads are a fact of life. Many businesses spend thousands each month just trying to get their ads seen by customers.

But  what if you could have a free ad campaign that gets your business noticed? That’s where Google Adwords comes into play! With Google Adwords , you can create a variety of different types of advertisements for extremely affordable prices. Your ad will show up at the top and bottom of other users’ searches, meaning potential customers can find you at no cost. A well-planned and executed ad campaign can help bring in new business while costing less than your average commercial website. As I said before, the Google Adwords program is free to use and offers a lot of benefits to any small business.

google Ads traffic report

There are three basic steps to making your first campaign:

Step 1)  Choosing Your Keywords

Step 2) Creating an Ad Group

Step 3)  Setting Up Bids


1. Keywords 

Your keywords are what people type into Google in order to find your business online. They are how they know to associate your website with your brand. Choose words that are relevant but not too specific. This includes things like “Cannabis Grower” instead of “Cannabis Growing Company.”

2. Title Tag 

These are the first lines of text that appear on your page. Make sure it’s short enough to fit under 70 characters, but long enough to tell someone who is looking at your website exactly what you do. You can also add any special information about your business here, including any special offers or contact info.

3. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 

A unique address, or web address, where you can send people to find out more information about your company. This should include keywords that people could use to search for more details on your products and services.

4. Description 

This is a brief description of your business that appears below the title tag. If you have a lot of space, consider adding a few paragraphs here and using them to list your top selling product(s).

5. Meta Tags 

Every website has different types of tags that describe its content. Sometimes these are called meta tags, and they’re important to help search engines categorize your site pages and make them more visible to other people searching online.

6. Optimization 

There are a number of ways to optimize your ads, but we’ll go over just two.